Midlands Area Santa's on a Bike
December 17, 2022
Main Ride - Cornmill Yard to Acorns Childrens Hospice
Cornmill Yard, Evesham, WR11 2LL
Meet from 11:00
Arrive at Acorns Hospice around 14:30
Meeting from 11am, bacon rolls and hot drinks available.
Ride leaves Evesham at 12.45pm prompt for a ride around cotswold villages then on to Acorns in Worcester for 2.30pm.
Check out their main website at https://santasonabike.org.uk/ or their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/santasonabike.
(Disclaimer: The Older Bikers Riding Club (OBRC) is NOT affiliated with Santa's on a bike.
This posting is simply a public service notice to our friends, members and other bikers throughout the UK.)
(NOTE: This ride was originally scheduled for Dec 10, however due to a snow storm, it has been rescheduled to Dec 17th.)