Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Locations of Chapters, Nomads and Friends
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Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by FTW »

This is a test of a map of the U.S.A.

We have marked it with locations of:

A "Golden" asterisk for OBRC Chapters,
A BLACK asterisk for Nomads,
A Red asterisk for Independent riders and/or FRIENDS that have indicated an interest in either joining our club, attending rallies with us or simply riding with us, but have not joined as a patched member YET.

We hope this map will assist prospective members and guest in joining our club.

Be sure to share your thoughts with any questions, comments and ideas that will assist us in helping you and the OBRC members.

We also plan on following up with a documented list of states and towns where we have chapters and nomads as well as a separate list of locations where are have friends and associates that are looking for others to meet up with, ride with and attend rallies with.

This image will be updated on a regular basis.

map-3-25-22.jpg (229.9 KiB) Viewed 6862 times
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Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by PanEd »

So everyone knows i Moved to New Hampshire.
My new address is 10 Willow court Winchester N.H. 03470

Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by Bone »

thanks for that info PanEd. 8-)

Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by Geezer »

Glad to hear you are all moved in brother
We sold our house in Manchester this summer bought a trailer in Raymond nh to down size
Are still not settled in need to get a garage or shed for the bikes they are still garaged in Manchester for now
My right knee is fucked need a new one so missing out on riding season this year
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Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by FTW »

Geezer, so sorry to hear about your knee.

I hope you find a doctor you can trust to get you a good quality replacement. One of our members from KY had his knee replaced and they had to take out the replacement several times. One time, he had to go for a couple of months without a knee, before they could put it back in.

On another note, I am glad to hear you have found a new place. We have considered downsizing, and moving, but I would miss my garages and all the storage for my equipment. So now we are considering getting a toy hauler or trailer so we can travel all across the country and live in RV parks, then come back home every once in a while just to do some yard work or enlarge the ponds so I don't have so much grass to mow.
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Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by FTW »


While doing some DD on some new stocks I am considering, I was checking some sites that handle class action lawsuits against investor fraud, to make sure the stocks I am looking at, don't have any suits pending.

Anyway, I ran across this one site that has some attorneys researching defective knee replacements and thought I would share the link with you, so you can be informed about any potential problems.

It's at: ... p-hip.html
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Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by FTW »

Just wanted to let everyone know that I updated our map today. It now included a number of "non members" that we can reach out to when traveling, going to rallies or the "recruiters" or other chapter officers can meet with, in order to build new chapters.

If any patch holder is planning to go to a rally, you might want to check with me to get the name or contact info for one of the marks on map. This may give you a chance to meet and ride with a potential new member.

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Re: Chapter, Nomad & Friend Locations

Post by FTW »

I have a new DOCUMENT containing list of individuals from our Facebook group that are interested in joining us.

As such, I am posting a list in the "private" section of this site that contains the Facebook name and general location of the individuals.

I would like the officers from all chapters to look at the list and select all the names of any individual that is within a "reasonable" riding or driving distance from you home and contact them to see if you can meet up with them.

For example, if someone lives 200 miles from you, you might be able to travel 100 miles and meet them at a restaurant, where you could have lunch together and get to know each other.

I will give you more "ideas" and input in the private section of this board.

Also, I will be updating that list either daily or weekly, depending on the amount of request we get on Facebook, so please check back frequently.
Thank You
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