Map of FB Members & Potential OBRC Chapter Locations in Pennsylvania

Postings for members and potential members from Pennsylavania
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Map of FB Members & Potential OBRC Chapter Locations in Pennsylvania

Post by FTW »

Below is a current map as of 8/8/22 of current locations of members of our Facebook Social Media Group from Pennsylvania.

Since we are getting new members on the social media site every day, we will be updating this on a regular basis as new data comes to us AND we have the time.

Currently, the layout of this map indicates the names of Towns where we currently have users in our social media group that "Claim" to be over the age of 40, own and ride Bikes.

What we are currently doing is reaching out to this social media members in order to see who we can locate that is willing to personally reach out to the others we have in the Facebook group that may live close to them and actually meet up with them face to face and make sure they have a bike and possibly even ride with them.

Hopefully, this will encourage the Internet users to join up in real life and share the wind with others in order to see if their personalities mesh and they would be interested in riding together more often.

The next step is to see if there are enough members in a give area to actually start a physical chapter of OBRC in the area, so they can ride together as a group, displaying the OBRC patch on their backs and constantly invite others form the area to join them on rides in order to recruit other potential members.

So, if you see a town or location on this map that is within your riding range OR even someplace you would like to ride to, in order to find a restaurant and would be willing to reach out to a local biker, please contact us and via e-mail or one of our social media admins, through a private message on Facebook so that we can send you a membership application to fill out, before we share any contact information about others in the Facebook group.

Also, be advised that we do not charge any dues to belong to OBRC and filling out an application does not mean you have been approved as a member of our physical Riding Club, it simply gives us your contact information so that we can verify you are a real person and not some automatic program or scammer from Russia, China or someplace else.

Also the *** marks behind a town or city on this map, indicate the number of individuals or families in our Facebook group that claim to live in a particular location and own/ride bikes. Since we do not ask each social media person if their husband/wife rides with them, we only count each Facebook account as one person.

Since it takes 6 individuals to start a new chapter and we allow marital partners to also become full club members IF they ride behind their spouse, there is a possibility a new chapter could be started with only 3 married couples, as long as the spouses were members also.
pennsylvania-highway-map3c.jpg (528.76 KiB) Viewed 2039 times

Thank You
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Re: Map of FB Members & Potential OBRC Chapter Locations in Pennsylvania

Post by PanHead62 »

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