Exxon Mobil (XOM)

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Exxon Mobil (XOM)

Post by FTW »

On 12/15/22 I bought Exxon Mobil
On 12/20/22 I sold Exxon

The 20 year history of Exxon is not anywhere close to the normal stocks I buy.
It is much more volatile.

However, for the last year it has been a good performer.
The Company’s principal business involves exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas, and the manufacture, trade, transport and sale of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products, petrochemicals and a range of specialty products.

The Company's segments include Upstream, Downstream and Chemical.

The Upstream segment is organized and operates to explore for and produce crude oil and natural gas.

The Downstream segment manufactures, trades and sells petroleum products.

The refining and supply operations encompass a global network of manufacturing plants, transportation systems, and distribution centers that provide a range of fuels, lubricants and other products and feedstocks to its customers around the world.

The Chemical segment is organized and operates to manufacture and sell petrochemicals.

The Chemical business supplies olefins, polyolefins, aromatics, and a variety of other petrochemicals.
XOM-20YR-2022-12-27.png (48.96 KiB) Viewed 6054 times
Here is a 20 year chart of Exxon Mobile
XOM-1YR-2022-12-27.png (49.59 KiB) Viewed 6054 times
Above is a 1 year chart of Exxon

This last chart displays the stock price when I bought the stock on 12/15/22 and sold it on 12/20/22

I "may" be buying it again in the future, if/when the price drops again and starts back up.
XOM-2022-12-27.png (35.8 KiB) Viewed 6054 times
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