Sturm Ruger (RGR)

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Sturm Ruger (RGR)

Post by FTW »

Early this morning, before the market opened, I purchased shares of Sturm Ruger (RGR) the manufacturer of the Ruger guns.

The primary reason I purchased this stock is because of early morning news stating they just declared a DIVIDEND of $5.00 per share on a stock that is selling in the $50 per share range.

That means I can make a 10% profit on my investment in just over 30 days, because their "pay date" is January 5, 2023.

Now, my expectations are for the stock to rise before their Ex-Dividend date, (the date posted stating you MUST own the stock before 12/14/22.) So depending on how much the stock price rises before that date, I may sell the stock and take my profit, or I may wait and hold on to it longer and sell it after I receive the dividend.

In addition to this high dividend, RGR also has an Earnings Per Share (EPS) of $6.04 and their current share price is at least $15 per share lower then the 52 week high of $74.88 it had back in March and up from the $49.50 share price it had on November 3 of this year.

Combine that with the fact that gun sales and their stock prices have been up for the last 10 years, compared to the previous decades.
Ruger-20+yrs-2022-12-01 at 07-31-22 E TRADE - Quotes & Research.png
Ruger-20+yrs-2022-12-01 at 07-31-22 E TRADE - Quotes & Research.png (13.17 KiB) Viewed 5052 times
This chart displays the stock price of Ruger during the last 40+ years.
Ruger-12mo-2022-12-01 at 07-32-51 E TRADE - Quotes & Research.png
Ruger-12mo-2022-12-01 at 07-32-51 E TRADE - Quotes & Research.png (13.09 KiB) Viewed 5052 times
The chart above shows the share price during the last 12 months. As you can see, it is currently in an upswing.
Ruger-5day-2022-12-01 at 07-35-26 TD Ameritrade.png
Ruger-5day-2022-12-01 at 07-35-26 TD Ameritrade.png (41.97 KiB) Viewed 5052 times
The chart above displays the share pricing during the last 5 days. It does NOT show the pre-market price
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