Visa (V)

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Visa (V)

Post by FTW »

Today, 11/15/22 I purchased Visa at $ 211.2299 per share.
I made my purchase today, for several reasons.
  • The business news is "expecting" the next FED rate hike to be "lower" then the .75 they have been using lately.
  • Christmas time is coming and people will be using credit cards to buy gifts.
  • The 90 day share price is on the upswing, per the chart below. But with the 12 month high being $235.85 it is still around $24.55 per share below the 12 month high. With 10 to 20 shares, that should give me a $245.50 to $490 profit which is in excess of a 10% profit per share. They also pay a small dividend per quarter.
  • Today's news reported a "lower then expected inflation report" was released this morning, indicating prices "should' be coming down on inventory, thus encouraging people to buy more items for the holiday season.
V3-2022-11-15.png (10.86 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
90 day visa Chart
V12-2022-11-15.png (14.63 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
12 month visa chart.
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Posts: 799
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:04 pm

Re: Visa (V)

Post by FTW »

On December 1, 2022, my shares of Visa (V) that I purchased 2 weeks ago, sold via a "trailing loss" order that I had in place.

Since the share price went up so high in one day, then started to drop back down, my trailing loss order allowed me to capture and keep my profits.

Now I will watch the stock price today and see just how far the price drops, so that I can buy it back at a price lower then I sold it but at a point when it starts on the upswing again.
Visa-10day-2022-12-1.png (47.97 KiB) Viewed 2922 times
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