Brothers and Bros

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Scooter Trash
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Brothers and Bros

Post by Scooter Trash »

The usage of Bro, Brother and Brotherhood has gotten twisted, abused and thrown about over the years.

The real meaning of the word Bro, Brother and Brotherhood will vary depending on the person saying it, hearing it and feeling it deep in their very essence.

Part of that difference is age but mostly it is about history and a persons background.

For someone that has been in situations where others have tried to kill you, be it military, other bike clubs, or LE, the knowledge that not just one person but an entire group of individuals will risk their own lives to protect and help you, touches your heart and soul in a very special way.

To any one that has never been in situations where others have shot at you or had others attack you with explosive devices, blades, traps and other types of weapons, there are no words I can say that will help you understand the long term effect that has in the depths of your mind.

To anyone that has never had someone simply "Be THERE" at your side, doing whatever it takes to help you through a situation, WITHOUT YOU ASKING FOR HELP, regardless of cost, words can not explain the appreciation. Especially if that cost involved them paying with the loss of their own motorcycle, freedom, limbs or even their own life.

So, please, when you go around tossing the words Bro and Brother, think about WHO you are talking to, before you talk.

Also, keep in mind that when you just meet someone, YOU can never replace the connection that person may have had with a brother or multiple brothers that may have literally and physically saved their life, or the lives of their loved ones, a lifetime ago before you ever met them.

With all that being said, that is simply my personal experience. I can not speak for others. For example, here is another persons interpretation of the word BROTHERHOOD>
brotherhood.jpg (87.31 KiB) Viewed 3280 times
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Re: Brothers and Bros

Post by Panheadbob62 »

I am one that takes a long, long, long, loooooong time to get to calling me Brother, not Bro, Brother. Even when a Prospect comes up to me, I am not his Brother, he has just come on to the scene and knows nothing about me or MY Brothers. He has not earned the right to call me that and I feel it cheapens the term where my real Brothers, who have had my back and have been there for me, are concerned, it's an insult to them.

I remember when "Bro" come along back in the day, it was a term used by African Americans, where I came from, to address each other.

"Brotherhood" is ALL of my Brothers together.

I know that now a days it has change dramatically and folks see it differently due to where they are from. This ME, not them, just me and how I see it and feel about it, right, wrong or indifferent, that's just the way it is.

So, just because we run into each other at a bike rally or bar, don't come up to me and yell out Brother and try to hug me as if we been through the shit together,

a Hand shake will do nicely.

This is just me, not intended to target anyone else or anything like that, it is just how I am.
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Re: Brothers and Bros

Post by FTW »

I want to thank you guys for sharing a bit of history and personal attitudes, with the newer members.

I feel it is important for us to teach them some of the respect we earned, had and shared during a more respectful time in this country and in the biker world.

Keep up the good work, because if we don't pass along this vital information, everyone looses.

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Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:01 am

Re: Brothers and Bros

Post by Panheadbob62 »

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